Brooklyn Roasting Company Fuels MSNBC & CNN's Coverage of the Brooklyn Democratic Debate
In the week leading to the New York Primary, Brooklyn Roasting Company's 25 Jay Street espresso lab was MSNBC's base for coverage of the 2016 Presidential Election. Centering around the Democratic Debate at the Brooklyn Navy Yard, MSNBC hosts covered the latest election news while sipping our freshly roasted, sustainably sourced coffee.

Brooklyn Roasting Company also supplied coffee to over 700 journalists covering Thursday's Democratic Debate at the Brooklyn Navy Yard, just steps away from our 200 Flushing Avenue location. CNN broadcasted from our 200 Flushing Avenue cafe, which is located just steps away from the debate stage at the Brooklyn Navy Yard. CNN's Chris Moody interviewed BRC's Jim Munson to get his take on the candidates and the impact of Brooklyn hosting a presidential debate.