BRC Lab softly opens, Kate and Miguel Join the Team
New York has officially hit its first spell of summer dog days. No fear, Sidamo cold brew and Iris Espresso Iced lattes are here. The BRC Lab at Jay St. is quietly opening to our friends and neighbors, and we've been pleasantly surprised with foot traffic so far. If you happen to find your self in DUMBO within jaunting distance of Jay St., come by for a cold brew or delicious shot of one of our three espressos on offer. We're here starting at 7 am and generally stay until around 5.
I should also quickly mention two noteworthy additions to our team--Miguel Ortega, Chief of Coffee Concoction (brewing barrel-fuls of fresh-ground coffee before sunrise every day), and Kate Gentile, Master of the Mess, overseeing our East River Ferry Coffee Galley operations with a kestrel's keen eye for detail. They're both very nice folks all around, with deep thirsts for great coffee.